After a year of running NOOK we have decided to close up shop, as government systems are now the standard for venue check-in.

We had a great time working with the 120+ venues using NOOK across Australia to keep their communities safe, processing over half a million check-ins.

Wishing you all the best,
Bella & Jeremy
Organising a wedding? Click to learn about NOOK for weddings

Contactless hospitality experiences with NOOK

Reduce venue touch points with NOOK's contactless QR code check in process and digital menus. COVID-19 contact tracing made simple, with NOOK.
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Contactless patron check in

Contact tracing for coronavirus prevention

Make your customers feel safe returning to your venue, and be confident knowing your processes are in line with government COVID requirements, by implementing NOOK's contactless check in system.

NOOK contact tracing swaps out the communal pen and loose sheets of paper for a set of centralised digital records which can be accessed and exported by venue management in the event of an outbreak.
Scan the code to try it
(or click here)

Digital menus

Digital menus to enhance, not distract

Touch free, digital menus by NOOK. Whilst our menus are digital, our ordering process aren't - so you can still maintain the human connection between staff and patrons, which we all missed during lockdown. Stay Covid safe, by implementing our QR code contact tracing platform and digital menus at your venue.
Scan the code to try it
(or click here)

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Try it free for 3 days

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